All Sabotage is Self-Sabotage

How to Respond to Doubt, Burnout, and Enemies

473 words = 2.5 min read

Table of Contents

Part 1: Doubt

“Will I fail?” “But they have that feature…” “What the F am I doing?”

Do any of these doubts bubble up in your head? And if so, how do you respond?

There are 3 ways to deal with doubt. You can:

  1. Give up (the loser’s way)

  2. Ignore or reject them (the delusional way)

  3. Listen to them, lean into faith, but prepare to overcome them (the winner’s way)

Your body and mind communicate to you with thoughts and emotions. Like anyone trying to communicate with you, the best thing to do is listen, ask follow-up questions, and validate.

So when your doubts knock at your door, listen. Make space and time. Be present with your doubts, and don’t shy away until you’ve listened until the end.

Then, start asking yourself some follow-up questions: “What can I do to overcome this doubt?” Start brainstorming and come up with an action plan.

Finally, thank your doubt. Then, start making progress on your action plan to overcome your doubt.

But what if I feel defeated after planning, trying, and still failing?

Part 2: Burnout

Burnout is the result of a loss of interest in your dreams.

A dream is not a cute description you put on a post-it and stick to your laptop.

Your dream should excite the f out of you. It should also include ALL the reasons that excite you to pursue it. But first, you have to define what your dream is. Make this a vivid picture. For me, it’s enough income to spend 4 months in The Four Seasons every year and still invest in extraordinary talent. You have to paint a picture you can see. Calculate the price of your dream. When you’re done calculating, it’s time to list your reasons.

List all the reasons that excite you to pursue your dream. Nothing is too stupid or too grand. Aim to get ALL the reasons on paper. Don’t forget to include anti-reasons, the reasons that will scare you NOT to pursue your dream. Keep this list to remind yourself whenever you feel like procrastinating.

Once you’re excited and have enough fear, all that’s left is to find the best next step and take it. Making progress, whether it’s learning what next step to take, trying, and trying again should feel good if you have a good dream and enough reasons to pursue it.

Part 3: Enemies

An enemy is every opportunity to move in the opposite direction of your dreams. 

So, think wisely before taking any action or engaging anybody. Ask yourself, “will what I say here bring me closer to my dream or not?” If not, move on.

If people are attacking your credibility, don’t engage them. Prove them wrong with actions and results.

If you’re a good person, there will never be one thing that brings you down. So stay good, take people’s attempts to bring you down as a compliment to your rise, and keep chipping away at your dream.

Lock-in and enjoy the journey 🔥🚀


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