
Identity is More Than a One-Liner

“What do you do?” ← This question haunted me like no other has.

Here are some of my attempts at answering:

  • I help founders grow — too grandiose.

  • Strategic thinking partner — too cryptic.

  • Brand Strategy Consultant — only a handful of people understand what that truly means.

I didn’t know if my fear of answering was irrational but what was even more embarrassing was I didn’t know how to give myself a convincing answer.

I liked, learned, and practiced way too many things to define my work in a neat answer to the question, “What do you do?”

But after packaging and sharing my knowledge, skills, and wisdom for the last six months on 𝕏, I’ve come to a sweet realization.

I don’t need to answer.

By answering, I limit myself, and I’m choosing not to do that from now on.

I do what I like.

Building a relationship with me will give you a better understanding of what I do than any canned answer I can give to the question, “What do you do?”

My advice to you is to do what you like, be good at it, and share it. Those who like what you share will know what you do over time.

If you’re selling anything, share content around it. If it’s clearly linked where people can find you and you make it easy to contact you, your market will reach out.


  • Don’t limit who you are with words

  • Explore all your passions

  • Develop expertise

  • Share abundantly

  • Make it easy for your followers to buy anything you offer


or to participate.